Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentines Day: Do You Love You?

Since love is in the air with Valentines Day right around the corner, I thought this would be a perfect chance to talk about self-love.

That's right - self-love. And I'm not talking about the physical kind (although that is wonderful all in itself), I'm talking about loving yourself for who you are.

Why am I talking about this here? Because sometimes fashion brings up insecurity and doubts, when it should be inspiring us to bring more beauty into the world. Instead we see women who we perceive are thinner, better, richer, MORE than we are, and it is often times a reason why many turn away from fashion altogether. However, I'm proposing that we look at it differently - that we learn to love ourselves and use fashion as a way to express that love.

And in that spirit, I'm teaming up with Madly in Love with ME "Share the Love" campaign and Self Love Day on February 13. I'm posting my Self-Love Manifesta, and I'm hoping that you will share with me your manifesta too. In addition, I will be holding a contest that you can enter and win a gorgeous ME heart token necklace:


To enter the contest, simply download the ME-Love kit and leave me a comment telling me about the self-love dare or self-love vow (both are in the kit) you took and why.

In the meantime, here is my personal manifesta for Self Love Day:

I will respect, honor, and admire the woman I have worked hard to become and that which is still to be. I will not engage in self-defeating competition, self-loathing, or any form of self-hatred. I honor my mind, my body, and my spirit and joyously accept and love every part of me, even that which is not perfect.

Now, tell me yours.

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